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Useful Information

Food Bank Contacts/Information


Axminster Foodbank,

Sheila 01297 32331

Health and Wellbeing centre, Chard rd

Nourish Axminster


The Guildhall, Axminster

Provides frozen home cooked style meals to Axminster and surrounding parishes and to Seaton.

Axminster Foodsave

Jemma via Olio

Provides waste supermarket food to anyone living in Axminster.

Broadclyst foodbank

Angie Hurran

Cranbrook Foodbank

Aynsley Jones

Grow Eat Do (Cranbrook)

Grow Eat Do facebook page or message 

Provides frozen home cooked style meals to Cranbrook and surrounding area

Exmouth Larder (Foodbank)

Littleham Community Fridge

Sam Burnett 07902 217228 and on FB

Honiton SAVE



The King’s Centre Food Bank (Honiton)

Lees Buildings, High Street, Honiton, EX14 1DH

Tel:- 0140443800




Ottery Foodbank 

Chris I’Anson

Ottery Community Larder –

Dean Stewart

The Institute, Ottery 01404 600013

Foodbank in Seaton

Number One, Harepath Road, Seaton

Seaton SAVE –

Contact via FB

Waste food given to anyone in Seaton, community shop and hub.

Sid Valley Food Bank

Chris Chapman

Address: Youth Centre, Manstone Lane, Sidmouth, EX10 9TS

Tel: 07936 917507

Sidmouth SAVE

Rich – Twyford house, 01395 512221

Waste food given to anyone in Sidmouth.



Absence Reporting and Attendance:


School commences at 8.50 am with the class register opens at 8.40 am and closes at 8.50 am. Pupils arriving after 9.00am should report to the office and are marked as late with the amount of minutes late recorded against the mark.

Your children will receive a “late” mark if they arrive after 8.50am but before 9am. If your child arrives after 9am they will receive a “late after registration closed”.

Parents / Carers are requested to telephone the office on 01392 873629 and leave a message before 9.15 am if their child is going to be absent/late. Please do not leave messages with class teachers. When phoning please note that a reason for absence must be in full i.e. vomiting, temperature, severe cold etc. Please do not leave vague messages i.e. unwell, ill or under the weather as the school office will have to call you back for more information.

Where a child is absent from school and we have not received any verbal or written communication from the parent, then we initiate a first day contact process. Office staff check all class registers between 9.05 am and 9.15 am on a daily basis, to identify those pupils who are absent. If no message is left with the school office we will send a text asking for a call to school to notify and confirm the reason for absence. If there is no response to the text, school will telephone the first name on the contact list. If there is still no response, school will ring other numbers on the contact list, until a reply is received. This is the school’s duty of care and safeguarding for your child.

The Head of School is unable to approve any holiday in term time unless it is exceptional circumstances. All unauthorised holiday is recorded as this, please be aware that Devon County Councils attendance officer attends the school every half term to monitor the attendance data and will follow up on persistent or extended absence.
