Relationships, Health and Sex Education
Since September 2020, all primary schools have been required to teach Relationships and Health Education. These subjects are designed to equip your child with knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships as well as preparing them for a successful adult life. This is delivered through our PSHE curriculum (Personal, Social, Health Education) with sessions taking place on a weekly basis throughout the year. Our curriculum for this is published on our website within the class pages, where it clearly lays out the knowledge your children learn.
Sex Education is not compulsory for primary schools to deliver. However, it is highly recommended that we do. As part of our PSHE curriculum this term, we will be teaching a unit called 'Changing Me' where pupils will learn about how their bodies change, at an appropriate level for their age. Parents have a right to withdraw their children from these lessons if they wish. However, parents are asked to carefully consider this option and discuss it with the class teacher or myself beforehand.
If you would like to find out more about what your child will be learning in the 'Changing Me' unit for their age range, then please click on the following link: You can then scroll down to open the curriculum document where you can find information about what will be taught. Children will be taught this unit in their separate year groups rather than as a whole class.
Attached is a government guide for parents about this part of the curriculum. I have also included the following link to frequently asked questions:
If you have any questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to talk to your child's teacher in the first instance.