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SEND and medical needs

Our school aims to be a fully inclusive school community and to involve all members of the community in decision-making and policy development.  We regard staff, parents and pupils as undertaking a joint enterprise to make learning exciting and positive for all of us.  We are all members of a team working co-operatively to this end.  The expertise of parents and carers is highly valued.


More details about our provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as children with special medical needs, including our approach, policies, what Devon offers and other useful information is available on the First Federation website here.


SEND coffee morning and Autism workshop


On Wednesday 12th June 9-9.40 in the school hall there will be a coffee morning and autism workshop, there will be tea and coffee, cakes and biscuits available. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet and talk to other parents. Emily Jaworski (SENDCo) will be on hand and will also share some information and useful websites. Please register interest with Mrs Milsom in the school office and let her know of dietary requirements or toddlers/ babies who may be attending so that we can have toys available. 


Thank you

Emily Jaworski 




SEND support

Four areas of SEND

Jargon Buster - All SEND terms and prases on one document

Lady Seaward's SEND Information Report 2023

Lady Seaward's 2023 SEND Accessibility Plan

Autism Workshop
