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SEND and medical needs

Our school aims to be a fully inclusive school community and to involve all members of the community in decision-making and policy development.  We regard staff, parents and pupils as undertaking a joint enterprise to make learning exciting and positive for all of us.  We are all members of a team working co-operatively to this end.  The expertise of parents and carers is highly valued.


More details about our provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as children with special medical needs, including our approach, policies, what Devon offers and other useful information is available on the First Federation website here.


SEND coffee morning

Thank you to those parents and carers who came along to the SEND coffee morning on Wednesday 20th November 2024 9-9.30am in the school hall with Emily Jaworski the SENDCo. We discussed ways to make our whole school events more inclusive and some great ideas were shared and suggested so thank you!





SEND Workshops

Throughout the school year Emily Jaworski, the SENDCo will be running workshops for parents. Please can I ask you to let me know which workshops you would be most interested in by completing the form below. Here are some ideas; communication and interaction, speech and language, behaviour and emotions, ADHD, autism, sensory needs, social and emotional mental health, SEND systems in Devon, supporting dyslexic learners, supporting memory, executive functioning, demand avoidance strategies

Speech and Language


Click on the link below to take you to the Speech and Language Parent Portal.


This has lots of excellent information, resources and even a podcast to support parents in their children's speech and language development. 



SEND workshop Behaviour and Emotions 


Thank you to those who came to the Behaviour and Emotions online workshop on Friday 10th October 9.30-10.30 on Zoom. Please see the slides below with all of the links and book recommendations.


Thank you


Emily Jaworski 


Autism and Us Free Workshops



Please see the following workshops which are free for parents of children on the Autism Assessment Pathway. To sign up, please email

Autism and Us programmes

  • Four weekly ‘live online’ sessions (approximately two hours each) related to the following topic or themes
  • Weekly ‘live online’ sessions (approximately two hours each) related to the following topic or themes


Programme topic

Programme one date

Programme two date


Autism overview

Tuesday 24 September: 10am – 12pm

Thursday 14 November: 4.30pm – 6.30pm



Tuesday 1 October: 10am – 12pm

Thursday 21 November: 4.30pm – 6.30pm



Tuesday 8 October: 10am – 12pm

Thursday 28 November: 4.30pm – 6.30pm


Understanding and supporting behaviour

Tuesday 15 October: 10am – 12pm

Thursday 5 December: 4.30pm – 6.30pm

Booking a place on the programme

Apply direct by email to to secure a place on either of the above programmes, or express your interest for forthcoming programmes.

We’ll confirm your booking request, and provide you with a direct link to the event. They will be delivered online ‘live’ via the Microsoft Teams platform.

Additional topic-based workshops

We will also be offering the following very popular themed or topic based workshops, which lead on from the Autism and Us programmes. These cover themes and topics that may be a priority area for you against your child’s presenting needs.

Workshop topic

Date and time

DiAS (Devon Information and Advice Service) and PCFD (Parent Carer Forum Devon)

Thursday 17 October: 10am – 12pm

Autism – Sensory processing and integration

Tuesday 5 November: 9.30am – 12pm

Autism and girls

Wednesday 23 October: 9.30am – 12pm

Autism – Demand avoidance and PDA

Wednesday 20 November: 10am – 12pm

Autism – Communication (speaking children – support strategies)

Tuesday 10 December: 10am – 12pm

Autism – Managing stress and anxiety

Thursday 7 November: 10am – 12pm

Autism – Vulnerability and online safety

Thursday 14 November: 10am – 12pm

Autism – Communication (non/limited speaking children – support strategies)

Thursday 21 November: 10am – 12pm

Booking a workshop place

Apply direct by email to to secure a place on any of the above topic based workshops.

We will confirm your booking request, and provide you with a direct link to the event. They will be delivered on line ‘live’ via the Microsoft Teams platform.

SEND support

Four areas of SEND

Jargon Buster - All SEND terms and prases on one document

Lady Seaward's 2024 SEND Accessibility Plan
