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Welcome to Class 2: Year 1 and 2
Class 2 is taught by Mrs Mclelland (Mon – Wed) and Mrs Holman (Thurs & Fri) and is supported by highly trained teaching assistants. Mrs Firth will cover PPA time for teachers which is currently on a Wednesday afternoon and occasional other times.
In Class 2, we learn through a variety of ways to support all learners. We promote an environment where children learn through play. The classroom will be set up with activities that support learning in all of our curriculum areas. We call this continuous provision and it will consist of different areas for the children to learn. This will include a book corner, a construction area, an outdoor area, a creative activity, a maths challenge and a fine motor activity. Children will have the opportunity to learn in these areas throughout the day.
Within the class, we encourage a love of reading through sharing a variety of books together. We also enjoy talking about our favourite books or books that we are currently reading. We will visit the school library regularly and share books with the children in other classes. Children will be given reading books to share at home along with a reading record.
A day in Year 1 and 2
The gates open for the children at 8:40am when they are able to come straight into school to complete their morning task.
The gate then closes at 8:50am. Children are then registered and we start our school day. In Class 2 we start with our phonics session following the scheme 'Sounds Write' where Year 1 pupils are taught separately to Year 2 pupils. After that, is our writing session, using the 'Talk for Writing' approach or 'Take One Book'. After break at 10:40am, we then move onto our Maths teaching, taught separately to the two year groups, where we focus on Maths Mastery. Throughout the morning, children will have explicit taught sessions on handwriting, number facts and spelling in addition to the core subjects.
During the afternoons, you will see Class 2 focusing on different curriculum subjects. Children have access to iPads and laptops to support their learning in school. Using their curiosity, children are encouraged to ask questions and over the unit, explore their interests and develop and acquire new knowledge. Each term, we aim to invite visitors into school or take part in trips linked to their curriculum subjects – these are valuable and memorable experiences that they will never forget!
Class Newsletters
Key Curriculum Documents
Curriculum Spelling List- Years 1 & 2
Common Exception Words Year One
Common Exception Words Year Two